肝病防治學術基金會董事長、台大醫學院名譽教授許金川醫師,於最新專欄「迷思治療 反誤人」撰稿指出,多年前有一位朋友,他的二哥、三哥先後因肝癌往生,許教授好意請他來做超音波,結果發現肝臟尾端有一個3公分的小腫瘤,本來手術很簡單,可是這位朋友想:「兩個哥哥都如此,這次終於輪到我了!」加上迷信動了手術會長得更快的傳言,跑到深山去調養,希望用盡各種調理的方法可以對抗肝癌,連追蹤檢查都不願意,結果兩年後死於深山裡,令人扼腕。
laennec is the ethical drug manufactured with JBP’s unique technologies.
Laennec is the ethical drug manufactured with JBP’s unique technologies for effective extraction of variety of growth factors, cytokines, and other physiologically active substances from the human placenta. For instance, HGF (hepatocyte growth factor) promotes the proliferation of hepatic parenchymal cells for recovery of a damaged liver. Our product safety is ensured by the most rigid safety measures among existing scientific standa.rds
It is rumored that "hepatic cancer can't be opened, otherwise it will spread faster!" Many patients and their families often believe that it is true. Please don't mistake this rumor again!
Dr. Xu Jinchuan, Chairman of the Academic Committee of the Hepatology Prevention and Treatment Foundation and Emeritus Professor of the National Taiwan University Medical College, wrote in the latest column "Myths and Treatments for Mistakes" that many years ago, a friend, his second brother and third brother had died of liver cancer. Professor Xu kindly asked him to do the ultrasound. He found that there was a small tumor of 3 cm at the end of the liver. The operation was very simple, but the friend thought, "This is what both brothers are, this time it is my turn!" The superstition moved the rumors that the surgery would grow faster, went to the mountains to nurse, hoped to use all kinds of conditioning methods to fight liver cancer, even the follow-up inspection is not willing, the result of two years later died in the mountains, it is embarrassing.
The Hepatology Prevention and Treatment Academic Foundation's Handbook of Liver Cancer Countermeasures pointed out that with the advancement of medicine, liver cancer patients are not as helpless as they were 20 or 30 years ago. Nowadays, the treatment of liver cancer is very advanced and diverse, providing many options for patients. Therefore, as long as the liver cancer is found early, it can be treated, and the effect is good. Patients with early detection and early tumor resection often have better treatment outcomes. For example, early liver cancer with tumor size below 2 cm, the survival rate of 5 years after surgical resection can reach 80%; small liver cancer with tumor within 2 cm to 5 cm, the survival rate after surgery is also 54%, but Large liver cancers have a relatively low survival rate.
Professor Xu Jinchuan also pointed out in an interview that the best way to treat liver cancer is surgical resection, but sometimes the patient's liver function is not good, especially the cirrhosis is severe, or the part is too deep for surgery, electrocautery Therapy is a very good choice. However, due to the limitation of the physical properties of electrocautery, the tumor size is preferably less than 3 cm, and the therapeutic effect can reach 90% to 95%.
The sooner a liver tumor is found, the more treatments there are. In particular, the liver does not have pain nerves. When it is sick and feels uncomfortable, usually liver cancer is very large. At this time, it is not suitable for electrocautery or surgical resection. Therefore, Professor Xu Jinchuan repeatedly called for hepatitis B and C, or Family history of liver disease, like the supervision of the car, must undergo a complete liver examination every six months, including liver function, fetal protein and abdominal ultrasound examination, for early detection and early treatment.